All the Gold ever extracted is 160,000 tons (in 2009) , The American Debt = 14 Trillion Dollars = 1.8 All the Gold ever extracted in Human History !!! The monetary mass in the US is increasing by 15% a year ! Total gold divided by people in the world gives each of us 23 grams
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Friday, March 9, 2012

$3,000 Gold in 2012 Not As Far-Fetched As You Would Think : John Ing

Interviewed by Jim Puplava of the financial sense newshour (06 March 2012)Maison Placements Canada Inc. CEO John Ing talks about his outlook for Gold and the performances of the miners compared to bullion , John believes that we would see Gold hitting $3,000 oz. this year especially if the European Union and the Middle east erupt in crisis

Gold and Silver blog