All the Gold ever extracted is 160,000 tons (in 2009) , The American Debt = 14 Trillion Dollars = 1.8 All the Gold ever extracted in Human History !!! The monetary mass in the US is increasing by 15% a year ! Total gold divided by people in the world gives each of us 23 grams
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Saturday, November 17, 2012

James Turk & Max Keiser on the 2nd Anniversary of Crash JP Morgan buy Silver

The historical Au:Ag ratio of 16:1 does not account for past industrial use and subsequent waste... and future industrial use and..  recycling costs. Any other ratio is simply speculation. But silver, is my only intuitive recommendation.

In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert present the two year anniversary special of their Crash JPM, Buy Silver campaign. They discuss JP Morgan doing everything to protect the Queen of their massive silver short position - a position that has DOUBLED in the past two years according to Rob Kirby of GATA and Kirby Analytics. They also discuss Central Banks pullling on their own little bungee cords by printing money. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to James Turk of about the link between liberty and gold and the shooting war to follow the currency war. The also discuss the gold/silver ratio and why silver today is like gold at $600.

Gold and Silver blog