All the Gold ever extracted is 160,000 tons (in 2009) , The American Debt = 14 Trillion Dollars = 1.8 All the Gold ever extracted in Human History !!! The monetary mass in the US is increasing by 15% a year ! Total gold divided by people in the world gives each of us 23 grams
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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Gold Going to More of a Sound Money System - Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine Austin Fitts, founder of The Solari Report, points out the world is buying physical gold. Fitts contends, "What that means is there is going to be a much more broad-based bull market in gold. . . I think it's going to more of a sound money system, and gold is going to be a part of that." Not everybody wants to be brought into the so-called new world order. Fitts predicts, "Remember, to come out with a one world currency, you need everybody. There can be no leakage. There can be no exceptions. The Russians are determined to be the stinker at the party is what I think." Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with investment banker and money manager Catherine Austin Fitts.

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