All the Gold ever extracted is 160,000 tons (in 2009) , The American Debt = 14 Trillion Dollars = 1.8 All the Gold ever extracted in Human History !!! The monetary mass in the US is increasing by 15% a year ! Total gold divided by people in the world gives each of us 23 grams
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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Gold Bounce Back - "For Pete's Sake" with Peter Hug of

Kitco News speaks with Kitco Metals' Peter Hug about gold and silver prices and what he makes of the current market movements. "It is going to be a difficult week to trade," Hug told Kitco News' Daniela Cambone. Hug talks about the Fed, tapering and shares his support and resistance levels for gold. Kitco News, July 1, 2013.

Gold and Silver blog