All the Gold ever extracted is 160,000 tons (in 2009) , The American Debt = 14 Trillion Dollars = 1.8 All the Gold ever extracted in Human History !!! The monetary mass in the US is increasing by 15% a year ! Total gold divided by people in the world gives each of us 23 grams
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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Tesla Stock Price Plummets as The Tesla Bubble Bursts

Tesla Stock Price Plummets as The Tesla Bubble Bursts -- Economic Collapse 2020

Stocks take the stairs up, and the elevator down... usually. In Tesla's case, they took the elevator both up and then back down again. While Tesla longs may have won the last month or two as the stock ripped from $300 to almost $1000 on a massive short squeeze - they are now starting to learn the very important (and very overdue) adage that when the tide goes out, you see who is swimming naked. Yes, every millennial and annoying family member crowing over the last 2 months at family gatherings and social events about what investing geniuses they are for buying Tesla is now rushing to slam the sell button and get ahead of what is likely to be continued, non-stop selling, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to grind the global economy to a halt and strike the investing public with fear of the many unknowns that still remain. Tesla is down about 12% today so far and about 30% off its 52 week highs. And Elon Musk, who had the chance to shore up his company's balance sheet and pay off all his debt at a ridiculous valuation just weeks ago, may now be facing the reality that the train has left the station. Meanwhile, according to Robintrack which keeps track of bagholders retail investors - people haven't even started to lighten up on the name yet. which means we may only be seeing the very beginning. We always knew that people who had entered the financial world over the last 10 years would eventually have to learn that markets simply don't always go up, with no questions asked. Now, it's becoming clear that Tesla may wind up teaching that brutal lesson to many who desperately need it. Even if Tesla loses another $300, it would still be trading at a price over $400 and continue to be hilariously overvalued. That is how insane the spike was. $400 still values the company over $60 billion and it would need to produce and sell over 9 million cars in 2020 to match that value. With a realistic installed production base of just over 400k cars a year, that doesn't seem to be possible any time soon. The really hilarious thing is that Tesla has lost more in the past week than their entire marketcap was six months ago. SURE NO BUBBLE THERE!!!!

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